How many cameras do you have in your collection?
I currently have a total of 11 film cameras including 1 defective and 1 broken toy cameras.
How long did it take you to get to this point?
I am currently going on my 4th year shooting film!
What are your favorites subjects to shoot?
I enjoy shooting during the "golden hours" of the day and my subjects vary from inanimate subjects to portraits of people closest to me. Among my favorite photos to date are:
What are your favorites subjects to shoot?
I enjoy shooting during the "golden hours" of the day and my subjects vary from inanimate subjects to portraits of people closest to me. Among my favorite photos to date are:
Favorite low-light portrait
Favorite golden hour portrait
and golden hour photos below!
Another favorite portrait
Favorite double exposure shots!
Which one in particular is your go-to camera and lenses? why?
My go-to camera and lens would have to be my first ever real camera which is a Canon FTb QL and the lens that came with it, a prime lens, 50mm FD mount. It's the camera that I feel most comfortable using and I know I couldn't go wrong with it especially because I have been using it for 3 years now.

Here's a closer look at my fave/ go-to camera, Canon FTb QL! :)
Scenario: Evacuation. If you can only save one of your cameras which would it be?
As much as possible, I would really like to save my whole collection LOL, but when worse comes to comes to worst, I think I'm going to have to go with my favorite and my go-to camera which is my Canon FTb QL.
What is your ''Spirit Camera" (If you were a camera, what would you be?)
I want to say that I'm a Polaroid SX-70 because I am quite easy to get along with, classy and timeless, if I may add. Although I don't have this camera in my collection yet, I feel like I really am going to enjoy using it as it seems quite simple to use yet gives spectacular results!
What is your Holy Grail Camera?
I would really like to own a Hasselblad and a Leica someday. I really believe that these two are the Holy Grails of cameras in both film or digital photography so one cannot go wrong with any of these two!
What film camera can you recommend to newbies?
For newbies, I would recommend getting a fully manual camera like my Canon FTb or perhaps a Pentax K1000. I think, to fully understand the fundamentals of photography, they must be able to learn how a camera works and how to set their cameras in different lighting conditions. One cannot go wrong with using a manual camera, that's for sure!
What is your current film stash count?
I have lost count of them. Here's a shot of the first batch of films I have used over the years:
Films you cannot live without.
For instant film, I really cannot live without the Fuji FP 100C. I have been using it for my Polaroid Land Camera and I don't think I am ready to let go of it yet even though Fuji has recently announced its sad discontinuation.
Apart from that, I also love using the ever available, Kodak Colorplus and Fujicolor C200. I am also sooo in love with Kodak Ektar 100!
You realized you were too obsessed with cameras when:
You realized you were too obsessed with cameras when:
I realized I didn't have any savings at all because of hoarding cameras and when all I do is scout for cameras online!
Why do you shoot film?
What is the worst thing about Film Photography?
The worst thing about film photography is getting a bunch of ruined rolls from the lab. I know how heartbreaking this feels because it happened to me once and I felt betrayed knowing that I'm never going to get them restored, but it's part of the experience. It's what makes it extra special, knowing what every roll has to go through to yield great results; and at the same time, it's what makes you appreciate it more!
What in your opinion is the greatest misconception about film photography?
Why do you shoot film?
People always say this, but it's true, Film Photography slows you down especially in a fast-paced world like ours. Unlike in digital photography, you are limited to only 24 or 36 shots and you wanna make sure that every shot you take counts.
I also love the fact that I am using cameras that are older than me and have been witnesses to events or moments that are now part of history and that alone makes it extra special.
I get a lot of different reactions from people when they learn that I still use film, surprisingly from the older generations, but I really love how I get to be a part of those who save what they say is a dying art!
Who do you look up to for inspiration in your photography?
I mostly look up to my father who is an artist and a photography enthusiast as well and to a whole bunch of creative and artistic people that I follow online. I honestly feel so inspired especially because I learn so much from each and everyone.
I mostly look up to my father who is an artist and a photography enthusiast as well and to a whole bunch of creative and artistic people that I follow online. I honestly feel so inspired especially because I learn so much from each and everyone.
What is the worst thing about Film Photography?
The worst thing about film photography is getting a bunch of ruined rolls from the lab. I know how heartbreaking this feels because it happened to me once and I felt betrayed knowing that I'm never going to get them restored, but it's part of the experience. It's what makes it extra special, knowing what every roll has to go through to yield great results; and at the same time, it's what makes you appreciate it more!
What in your opinion is the greatest misconception about film photography?
A lot of people think of it as a dying art, so a lot will be surprised to know that more and more are getting into film photography these days.
What's the Best advice you received from another film shooter?
Store your films in the fridge and in photography, there are no rules!
What's the best advice you can give to a new film shooter?
Take your camera with you everywhere you go and keep film alive!
Instagram: film photos: @marsy.mallows and my personal instagram account: @marsymallows
Website: https://marsshootsfilm.wordpre
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